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Version: 0.1.0

Site Model

The entity of Site is represented as a model in MoonGuard, and it has the following definition:

Fillable Fields

Field NameDescription
urlThe URL of the website being monitored.
nameThe name of the website being monitored.
uptime_check_enabledA boolean value indicating whether or not uptime checks are enabled.
ssl_certificate_check_enabledA boolean value indicating whether or not SSL certificate checks are enabled.
max_request_duration_msThe maximum allowed request duration in milliseconds.
down_for_maintenance_atThe date and time when the website is down for maintenance.
api_tokenAn API token used for authenticating requests to the MoonGuard API.


max_request_duration_msThe maximum allowed request duration in milliseconds, casted using the RequestDurationCast class
down_for_maintenance_atThe date and time when the website is down for maintenance, casted to an immutable datetime object
uptime_check_enabledThe flag indicating whether uptime checks are enabled, casted to a boolean
ssl_certificate_check_enabledThe flag indicating whether SSL certificate checks are enabled, casted to a boolean


Method NameReturn TypeDescription
scopeWhereUptimeCheckEnabled(Builder $query)BuilderA query scope that filters the query to include only websites with uptime checks enabled.
scopeWhereSslCertificateCheckEnabled(Builder $query)BuilderA query scope that filters the query to include only websites with SSL certificate checks enabled.
scopeWhereIsNotOnMaintenance(Builder $query)BuilderA query scope that filters the query to include only websites that are not currently on maintenance.
url()AttributeReturns an Attribute instance that represents the URL of the website.
uptimeCheck()HasOneReturns a HasOne relationship between the Site model and the UptimeCheck model. This method allows you to retrieve the uptime check associated with the website.
sslCertificateCheck()HasOneReturns a HasOne relationship between the Site model and the SslCertificateCheck model. This method allows you to retrieve the SSL certificate check associated with the website.
exceptionLogs()HasManyThroughReturns a HasManyThrough relationship between the Site model and the ExceptionLog model through the ExceptionLogGroup model. This method allows you to retrieve the exception logs associated with the website.
exceptionLogGroups()HasManyReturns a HasMany relationship between the Site model and the ExceptionLogGroup model. This method allows you to retrieve the exception log groups associated with the website.
newCollection(array $models = [])SiteCollectionOverrides the newCollection method to return a custom SiteCollection instance. This method allows you to customize the collection returned when querying the Site model.

Using a custom Site Model

In case is needed to use a custom Site model we recommend the following steps:

  1. Create a new Site class that extends from Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model and implements the Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Contracts\MoonGuardSite contract.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Contracts\MoonGuardSite;

class Site extends Model implements MoonGuardSite
//Contract implementation
  1. The Site class must implement all the properties and methods required, you can guide yourself with the original Site.php model from Moonguard.

  2. Replace the new Site model class in the configuration file.

'site' => [
'model' => \Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Models\Site::class,//replace model