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Version: 1.2.0

Creating a custom UptimeCheck Model

If you want to add new features or improve the original MoonGuard UptimeCheck model, we allow you to create a custom UptimeCheck Model for your project doing the following steps.

  1. Create a new UptimeCheck class that extends from  Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model and implements the  Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Contracts\MoonGuardUptimeCheck interface.


    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Contracts\MoonGuardUptimeCheck;

    class UptimeCheck extends Model implements MoonGuardUptimeCheck
    // Contract implementation
  2. Implement all the properties and methods required, you can guide yourself with the model reference.

  3. Replace the new UptimeCheck model class in the configuration file.

    'uptime_check' => [
    * Enable or disable uptime checks globally.
    'enabled' => true,

    * The uptime check model to use.
    'model' => \Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Models\UptimeCheck::class, -> //replace model

    * The number of consecutive failures before a notification should be sent.
    'notify_failed_check_after_consecutive_failures' => 1,

    * How often a notification is resent after the uptime check fails
    'resend_uptime_check_failed_notification_every_minutes' => 5,

Model Reference


namespace Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Models;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Enums\UptimeStatus;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Casts\RequestDurationCast;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Repositories\SiteRepository;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\ValueObjects\RequestDuration;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Contracts\MoonGuardUptimeCheck;
use Taecontrol\MoonGuard\Repositories\UptimeCheckRepository;

class UptimeCheck extends Model implements MoonGuardUptimeCheck
use HasFactory;

protected $fillable = [

protected $casts = [
'status' => UptimeStatus::class,
'status_last_change_date' => 'immutable_datetime',
'last_check_date' => 'immutable_datetime',
'check_failed_event_fired_on_date' => 'immutable_datetime',
'request_duration_ms' => RequestDurationCast::class,

public function site(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SiteRepository::resolveModelClass());

public function saveSuccessfulCheck(Response $response): void
$this->status = UptimeStatus::UP;
$this->check_failure_reason = '';
$this->check_times_failed_in_a_row = 0;
$this->last_check_date = now();
$this->request_duration_ms = RequestDuration::from(
round(data_get($response->handlerStats(), 'total_time_us') / 1000)


public function saveFailedCheck(Response|Exception $response): void
$this->status = UptimeStatus::DOWN;
$this->last_check_date = now();
$this->check_failure_reason = $response instanceof Response ? $response->reason() : $response->getMessage();
$this->request_duration_ms = RequestDuration::from(null);

public function requestTookTooLong(): bool
/** @var RequestDuration $maxRequestDuration */
$maxRequestDuration = $this->site->max_request_duration_ms;

return $this->request_duration_ms->toRawMilliseconds() >= $maxRequestDuration->toRawMilliseconds();

public function wasFailing(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => ! is_null($this->check_failed_event_fired_on_date),

public function isEnabled(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => UptimeCheckRepository::isEnabled(),

protected static function booted()
static::saving(function (self $uptime) {
if (is_null($uptime->status_last_change_date)) {
$uptime->status_last_change_date = now();


if ($uptime->getOriginal('status') != $uptime->status) {
$uptime->status_last_change_date = now();

Fillable fields

Property NameDescription
site_idThe ID of the site associated with the uptime check


Property NameCast TypeDescription
statusUptimeStatusThe status of the uptime check, casted to the UptimeStatus enum
status_last_change_dateimmutable_datetimeThe date and time when the status of the uptime check was last changed, casted to an immutable datetime object
last_check_dateimmutable_datetimeThe date and time when the last check was performed, casted to an immutable datetime object
check_failed_event_fired_on_dateimmutable_datetimeThe date and time when the check failed event was fired, casted to an immutable datetime object
request_duration_msRequestDurationCastThe duration of the last request in milliseconds, casted using the RequestDurationCast class


Method NameReturn TypeDescription
site()Belongs ToReturns a BelongsTo relationship between the UptimeCheck model and the Site model. This method allows you to retrieve the site associated with the uptime check.
saveSuccessfulCheck(Response $response)voidSaves the result of a successful uptime check. This method sets the status of the uptime check to "UP", updates the last check date, and saves the request duration.
saveFailedCheck(Response|Exception $response)voidSaves the result of a failed uptime check. This method sets the status of the uptime check to "DOWN", increments the number of times the check has failed in a row, updates the last check date, saves the failure reason, and sets the request duration to null.
requestTookTooLong()boolReturns a boolean indicating whether the last request took longer than the maximum allowed duration for the site.
wasFailing()AttributeReturns an Attribute instance that indicates whether the uptime check was failing.
isEnabled()AttributeReturns an Attribute instance that indicates whether the uptime check is enabled.
booted()N/AOverrides the booted method to add a callback that sets the status last change date when the status of the uptime check changes.